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Long Lasting Products Featuring Performance, Comfort, and Value
Our customers are people who need to enhance the performance of disposable diapers as well as traditional cloth diapers or require protective waterproof underwear due to occasional issues of leakage. Unfortunately, most garments sold by general merchandise outlets or medical supply companies are not designed for active people and often are poorly made resulting in embarrassing leaks or extra laundry tasks due to poor fit or faulty design. These types of garments are often uncomfortable, cumbersome, and can leak.
We offer our customers products in a wide variety of styles, applications, and even a choice of colors. Choose from our many Pull-On styles, Snap-On, Hi-Back, or low cut styles of waterproof plastic pants and rubber pants For those who prefer a reusable diaper we offer fine quality all cotton pull-on, Velcro closure, and pin on style diapers made in the USA or Canada all of which can lower the cost of incontinent care. We receive frequent praise for our diaper and plastic pant materials used to make our products because of their "user friendly" qualities. Everything we sell must offer Comfort, Fit, Performance, and Value or we will not offer it to our customers.
Strong and Lightweight
On our web pages you will find items that often cannot be purchased from conventional incontinent product suppliers. Thanks to the internet our online customers throughout the world can purchase the finest products in the privacy of their own homes. Our materials and the workmanship are what set our products apart. This allows our plastic materials to be soft and incredibly durable. Our materials are longer lasting than other plastics that are up to 3 times thicker. This is because a soft flexible material is less likely to dry out, crack, and tear. Some of our plastic pants are machine washable and dryable. Machine dryable was something unheard of until a few years ago.
Specializing in Texture Free silent materials
Our plastic manufactures uses special machines roll out the liquid PVC using expensive highly polished rollers to produce a satiny smooth texture fee surface on both sides of the material. This is why our plastic products cost more. Ordinarily producers' rollers are textured to extend the life rollers as long as possible. Our material is never textured and we use 100% virgin vinyl for all our plastic pants.
Customer designed products.
We work hard to provide the products needed by active adults who require diapered protection. We work with the factory to design products that work for active people. All new designs are customer tested before production. When you visit our on line catalog you will see products that can make your life a little bit easier. We are here to serve your needs.
Customer Designed Cloth Diapers
We worked for 6 months with a panel of our 24/7 cloth diaper customers to develop a diaper size and weight that is among the best available anywhere. Our diapers are Made in USA or Canada of cotton grown and woven in the USA and hand sewn to our specifications. If you're tired of the unreliable performance of disposable diapers, especially for night time use, you will be pleased with our Night Weight Flannel and Birdseye cotton diapers. Please give them a try.
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All Prices are in US $. Prices do not include Shipping and Handling